Founded in 2009 by a team of commercial partners and General Practitioners, PHL benefits the healthcare economy by operating a wide range of Integrated Urgent Care and wait list management services.


PHL is headquartered in Hampshire and operates across the UK. Its CEO Ross Brand and his team have set the company on a strong growth trajectory and have ambitious plans for continued expansion. By combining high quality clinical services and governance with technological innovation, PHL plans to expand its delivery of outstanding care at the point it is needed across the country.

phl logo

PHL’s investment in remote patient monitoring and ‘virtual wards’ positions it well to capitalise on the NHS’ recently announced goal to create 7,000 additional hospital beds this winter. PHL’s virtual ward service employs in-home sensor technology, analytics, and automated monitoring combined with oversight from a clinical team that is available 24/7 to respond to the patient’s health needs. The teams are supported by strong clinical governance and direct NHS integration which ensure patient safety.

United Kingdom
Private Equity
August 2022

We are excited to welcome the team from Ethos into our organisation and thrilled that they have opted to support us and our future growth journey. Our selection criteria for an investment partner were extensive, and Ethos ticked every box, from having values which suit our own, through to a track record of successful investments and demonstration of supportive behaviours. Our team is excited at the prospect of working with Ethos to achieve our organisation’s ambitions.

Ross BrandCEO

We are pleased to support Ross and the management team as they lead the business through its next phase of growth. Since our investment, the team has consistently driven excellence in service and expansion through the use of technology and the delivery of high-quality care. The recent merger with Malling Health will further extend the company’s geographical reach and enhance the Integrated Care offering.

Grant Paul-FlorencePartner at Ethos